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Companion Animal Board bill introduced in MN Legislature

Companion Animal Board bill is introduced at the Minnesota Legislature!

Your action is needed.

Communities across Minnesota are grappling with issues affecting pets and the people who care for them.

People in crisis can't find temporary pet housing, cities need guidance when dealing with pet issues, such as large community cat colonies, more people and pets are food insecure, and it's challenging for many people to find affordable veterinary care or emergency care for their pets.

These are just a few of the many growing issues communities are facing and why the Companion Animal Board (SF 1136 / HF 1168) is needed.

Tell your state lawmakers to support this bill today.


Local animal and human shelters, cities, veterinary clinics, mental health professionals, and others are stretched thin providing services for pets and those who care for these animals. While state government supports livestock production and wildlife management, there is no state agency providing assistance or funding for the pet sector.

Minnesota has an opportunity to change this situation.

The Companion Animal Board bill (SF 1136 / HF 1168) has been introduced at the Minnesota Legislature by Senator Scott Dibble and Representative Mike Freiberg. This bill will provide the coordination, leadership, and expertise to tackle large problems facing Minnesota's pets and communities.

Educate your lawmaker about the needs of pets and why a
Companion Animal Board makes sense.


Tri-County Humane Society and 25 animal welfare organizations plus veterinarians, social workers, and thousands of Minnesota residents are supporting the Companion Animal Board bill (SF 1136 / HF 1168). 


Thank you for taking action in support of the Companion Animal Board bill!

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