Recognizing Our Supporters: Thank you for helping us save lives!

Our supporters are life-savers and the foundation of the Tri-County Humane Society. They are the reason so many pets find happy homes after coming through our doors.
Your donations are valued: donations of time and talent by hundreds of volunteers, donations of products and services by area businesses and donations of money — very close to half of our budget — by so many people who care.
A sincere “Thank You” to all who believe in the Tri-County Humane Society and donate in support of this worthy cause.
As published in the February 2025 Newsletter (.pdf download)
In every issue of our newsletter we recognize our supporters who give in special ways under our "A Purr & Wag of the Tail to..." section. Click this link to see the list of those that went above and beyond! -
Don't see your name? Contact us and let us know that we have your permission to publish your name as one of our donors!