Thank you for taking the time to look at our available cats and kittens!
This web page is a direct feed from our adoption system. That means as soon as a new cat or kitten arrives and is processed, they immediately appear on this page! At times you may need to scroll to see all of the available cats. When you view an individual cat's profile, you may also need to scroll to see all of the content.
You may place an adoption hold on any of these cats by phone (320-252-0896) or in the shelter. Adoption holds are $25 plus tax.
Learn More About Adoption Holds
Animals are adopted quickly from Tri-County Humane Society, so we advise you to call us if you find an animal you are interested in to place an adoption hold on them.
Adoption holds are $25 plus tax. To place an adoption hold on a pet, call us at (320) 252-0896 and have your Visa, Discover, American Express, or Mastercard ready; holds also can be placed in person at the shelter. NOTE: Tri-County Humane Society CANNOT reserve an animal without an adoption hold. (Holds cannot be placed through email or social media messaging.)
HOW ADOPTION HOLDS WORK: The $25 plus tax “hold” reserves the TCHS animal of your choice for one day. We do take multiple holds, but it’s always first come, first served. People do change their minds about adoption, and that’s OK - if you’ve fallen in love, you may want to place another hold!
THE DETAILS: All holds are nonrefundable and nontransferable. It is a fee for a service (to hold the animal for you); the adoption fee plus tax will still need to be paid in full. If the animal is not adopted by the person with the hold, the pet is available again.
WHAT THE “HOLD” MONEY GOES TO: It helps support our nonprofit animal shelter and the 5,000-plus animals we help every year!

MBAH Kennel License # MN140200