Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for the simple reason that expectations usually center around really good food and a sense of family. You might ask what does this have to do with animal welfare and TCHS? Well, I’ll tell you. The folks at Tri-County Humane Society may not be related in the way an immediate family is, but we definitely share a common bond when it comes to animals.
We take really good care of animals in need and support the human-animal bond. We can keep it simple, yet the quality of work is blue ribbon quality – kind of like the perfect pumpkin pie topped with real whipped cream!
TCHS staff and volunteers dote on the animals and give them the best care. You don’t have to worry about corners being cut in that department! Our dogs can get up to four walks a day – and you’ve already seen the amazing playground Girl Scout Troop 636 built for the dogs. The cats also get special enrichment including kitty whisperers for those who need one-on-one confidence coaching. There are so many directions an animal’s care can go now and so many more options available for them, whether it’s a need for surgery, simply a refresher course on manners, or maybe they need some time to heal or grow in foster care. As we learn more about an animal’s needs, we develop new strategies to care for them.
It may surprise you that what regulates the number of adoptions in a week is not always how many people want to adopt, but how many vets we have available for surgery in a week. Spay/neuter surgeries make up the majority of the procedures being done, but if there’s a need for an amputation or hernia repair, it will get done. Little known fact: The decrease in spay/neuter surgeries during the pandemic (many clinics stopped all surgeries) is having a noticeable effect on the population increase and full shelters nationwide.
It’s NOT animals adopted during the pandemic being returned as some have speculated.
There’s always an animal in need at the shelter, which is why having sources of reliable funds is critical. We are and will always be humbled by your financial commitment to the shelter, your compassion, and your love for animals.
You are the reason we are able to be the humane, progressive and compassionate animal shelter that we are. All because you trust us with your hard-earned money and believe in the work we do. Thank you!
As I count my many blessings, please know you’re high on the list!
Vicki Davis, CAWA
TCHS Executive Director