Tri-County Humane Society often has working cats looking for a job. Working cats are those who, for various reasons, would not make great indoor pets, but thrive with access to shelter and the great outdoors. Some working cats are feral or only semi-social; they do just fine as barn or shop cats, but the idea of indoor life with humans stresses them out. On occasion, these working cats who are really unsocial with us turn a corner after adoption, though. Such is the case with this adoption story, who decided that life as a housecat was a much better deal than being on mouse patrol in a barn. Evelyn, who is now 3 years old, was adopted as a working cat in September 2023.
“She was so afraid of humans we didn’t see her. A neighbor’s barn cat started showing up at the barn, and they did not get along. She could see us petting the other cat who was not afraid. My daughter started gradually petting Evelyn while she ate. Evelyn came around and trusted us more. A co-worker suggested we make her an indoor cat since the other cat was mean to her, so we tried and she quickly became an indoor cat. She's only asked to go out one time since then! She is now friendly to humans and super grateful.”
Many working cats decide to stay on their career path, and some never want to see a human (except at suppertime). But we’re happy for those like Evelyn who forge their own way!
Looking for a working cat of your own? Let us know and we'll add you to our wish list! TCHS working cats are all spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and treated for parasites before adoption - and we leave it to you to name your own price for their adoption fee!