Many of us know cats who think they may be a dog. Heck, maybe you even own this type of cat! This adoption story is about one of those spirited felines who has a doggone-good time playing with his canine siblings. The 4-year-old cat we called Warrior came to Tri-County Humane Society as a stray in January. Eight days later – which is the average length of stay for a TCHS animal – Warrior was adopted. He’s now Bandit, and he’s stolen the hearts of his new family members!
“He adjusted very well to his two dog sisters, and he loves to get them wound up. He acts just like a dog when he’s playing with them,” his human writes. “He has many little quirks, but I think of all of them he loves to get his dog sisters to chase him around. We always know when he’s about to do it because he flares his back hairs to get their attention and peels out around our apartment.”
Bandit also has a feline sibling, and they are thick as thieves. We hope Bandit keeps his animal siblings on their toes for a long time!