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Adoption Stories

Adoption Stories

We receive wonderful stories of TCHS alumni on a regular basis, and we want to offer our sincere thanks to all who take the time to share them with us. We are invested in each and every pet we care for, and we want the best for them!  This is why we do what we do. Why you give, volunteer, adopt, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.

Share Your TCHS Adoption Story:  email your story with photos to or message us on our Facebook page for future publication. We love to hear how our alumni are doing!


They say if you have a job that you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. We can debate whether that’s true for humans, but we know that this adoption story subject is loving every minute of his canine “work"!

Roscoe is a 1-year-old Australian Shepherd/Lab Retriever mix who was almost literally bouncing off the walls at TCHS (he arrived in early December 2023). He desperately wanted land to patrol and a job to do. He found both a few weeks later, as well as a new canine bestie, Bella, a 3-year-old Great Pyrenees. Roscoe’s family says the two dogs keep each other busy on their 350 acres.

“He never stops being curious about new things, and he spends his days following tractors and four-wheelers around wondering what they are doing and where they are going,” his human writes. “He needs to be involved in everything that happens on the day-to-day around the farm and is always up for playing with the kids, or anyone that will give him attention. He is a sweet boy and has quickly become a part of the family, as well as being known to even the neighbors around...sigh.”

Hey, stay home, Roscoe – you’ve got a good thing going! (His family added that he's hard to get photos of because he's always on the move.)

"Animals don’t worry about tomorrow; they live today and enjoy it." - Rachel Carlson

2024 Facts:

  • Animals Placed


  • Number of Animals Transferred In


  • Total Surgeries


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