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Adoption Stories

Adoption Stories

We receive wonderful stories of TCHS alumni on a regular basis, and we want to offer our sincere thanks to all who take the time to share them with us. We are invested in each and every pet we care for, and we want the best for them!  This is why we do what we do. Why you give, volunteer, adopt, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.

Share Your TCHS Adoption Story:  email your story with photos to or message us on our Facebook page for future publication. We love to hear how our alumni are doing!

Sammy AKA Sosa

Well, our Minnesota Twins didn’t go as far as we wanted in the playoffs, but today’s Feel Good Fur-day is still a home run!

A dog named Sammy AKA Sosa (or Sammy Sosa, depending on whom you asked) came to the shelter in March 2023 as a stray; he was in the type of shape where we sent him to foster care as soon as we could so he could gain weight and heal some wounds. He spent more than a month in his foster home, where he thrived before TCHS deemed him ready for adoption. He then stayed another two months through our “Adoption Ambassador” program, until a family expressed interest in adopting him.  His adoption was completed in July, and to hear it from his new people, Sosa is a hit!

“At first, well-meaning friends were concerned that Sammy would be too much for old retired folks to handle. That was before when he was a skinny, shy 35 pounds. But Sammy has progressed physically and temperamentally. He is totally in love with his people and is now a robust 50-55 pounds. From day one he attached himself to Mary Kay (and vice versa) and hates to see her leave without him.”

In fact, Sammy likes to wait dutifully in the van while Mom runs her errands.

“He has developed many friendships and especially enjoys our 6’ 5” grandson who can and will roughhouse with him. And, lest I forget, he is the most intelligent dog I have ever owned (from a pro kennel owner.). He learns very, very quickly, and what he isn’t taught he figures out on his own. An example: A couple of weeks ago he introduced himself to the neighbor at the back side of our house. How? By barking at Dan, of course. Mary was afraid he’d make it a habit, so she went out and told him to come into the house. End of story, right? Well, not quite, while he doesn’t bark at Dan, he has made a logical association. Now when he wants to come in he goes to the back of the house and barks until somebody goes to the door and calls him, whereupon he comes running. He’s got us well trained!”

That sounds like a disciplined athlete – play ball, Sosa!

“I'm the type of person who likes to enjoy everything that I do, take advantage of every opportunity in life.”  Sammy Sosa

2024 Facts:

  • Animals Placed


  • Number of Animals Transferred In


  • Total Surgeries


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