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Adoption Stories

Adoption Stories

We receive wonderful stories of TCHS alumni on a regular basis, and we want to offer our sincere thanks to all who take the time to share them with us. We are invested in each and every pet we care for, and we want the best for them!  This is why we do what we do. Why you give, volunteer, adopt, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.

Share Your TCHS Adoption Story:  email your story with photos to or message us on our Facebook page for future publication. We love to hear how our alumni are doing!

Rebecca, now Daisy

In this line of work, we often hear and have admittedly used the term “foster fail”. But is “fail” really the right word? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to say, “foster win”? That certainly would fit this adoption story.

Rebecca (now Daisy) and her 12 puppies were brought to TCHS by Leech Lake Legacy.  We found a brave foster home willing to take on this timid new mom and her (12!!) 2-week-old puppies.  Not without its challenges, the story still couldn’t be more of a win-win for all involved.

“Daisy, then named Rebecca, came to us as a foster with her 12 puppies (only 2 weeks old) in October 2022. We thought it would be tough letting the puppies go for adoption (and it was), but it was Daisy who really stole our hearts!

Our first 24 hours with Daisy were challenging, as we could tell she was scared and unsure what to think, as well as seeming a bit uncomfortable, but wouldn't (or couldn't?) go to the bathroom. 24 hours into her time with us, she managed to flip the pen she was in and finally went to the bathroom....all over the garage. Our hearts broke for her - how stressful it must have been to give birth to 12 puppies, get moved to a shelter, then moved to a foster home - when she was still just a puppy (estimated to be about 1.5 years old) herself. It was through cleaning up the garage and talking gently to her as we cleaned, that we seemed to have a breakthrough and Daisy began to trust us. From that point on, we continued to build trust as Daisy became more comfortable in her surroundings. We spent many hours playing and snuggling with Daisy and her puppies, which was very therapeutic as we were expecting our first baby, due March 2023. Given that we were pregnant, adopting Daisy was not a part of our plans - after all, we already had two decent-sized dogs. The longer Daisy stayed with us however, the more attached we became. Determined to find her a good home, we took her for short walks and introduced her to our dogs so that we could provide as much detail as possible for her new family. The more time we spent with her, the more integrated she became with our family, and the more we realized that she just fit... and really, every baby needs a dog of their own...

Needless to say, when we brought the puppies back, we put a hold deposit on Daisy. We picked her up a few days later after she had been spayed, and brought her to our vet for her adoption check-up. During that visit, Daisy was diagnosed with lymes disease and heartworm. We began the treatment process and implemented leash restrictions, and as tough as it was to enforce the leash restrictions, we were delighted to see Daisy continue to perk up, become more energetic, and begin to play. In the midst of Daisy's treatment, we welcomed our baby girl, who Daisy keeps a close and protective eye on. It has been so heartwarming to watch her bond with the people in our home, as well as our other dogs! We've also been taking her to training sessions with k9 off leash and she is loving the challenge and learning quickly!

In the beginning of June, Daisy received the all-clear from the vet - no more heartworm or lymes disease!! She has spent the last month going on long walks and racing around our fenced-in yard! She has been the perfect addition to our family, and it has been pure joy watching her thrive in her new home. We are so grateful for the TCHS foster care program for bringing her into our lives, and feel blessed to call her a part of our family."

“Sometimes the most beautiful thing is precisely the one that comes unexpectedly and unearned, hence something given truly as a present.”  Anna Freud

2023 Facts:

  • Animals Placed


  • Number of Animals Transferred In


  • Total Surgeries


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