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Adoption Stories

Adoption Stories

We receive wonderful stories of TCHS alumni on a regular basis, and we want to offer our sincere thanks to all who take the time to share them with us. We are invested in each and every pet we care for, and we want the best for them!  This is why we do what we do. Why you give, volunteer, adopt, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.

Share Your TCHS Adoption Story:  email your story with photos to or message us on our Facebook page for future publication. We love to hear how our alumni are doing!


This adoption story is about a tri-pawed TCHS alum who took a few weeks to find the right love connection – but his family was worth the wait! Howard, an almost 2-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier mix, came into TCHS for the first time in February; he found his humans in March.

“Just an update on Howard, I am SO glad he’s a part of our lives! He is the best boy ever! His personality has really come out now, and he is such a good boy. He is really picking up on hand commands; he is doing so well with doing farm work and being around the tractor and all the farm animals. He is even doing really good with all the baby animals. He rough-houses with (his doggie sibling) Bear and snores so loud all night. I seriously can’t imagine my life without him. He has been the best addition to our family. He even plays with two of the cats and one of our cats loves to snuggle with him.”

Howard’s human added that she knew thanks to a TCHS donor, part of Howard’s adoption fee was discounted. “I wish there was a way to let them know that he got a home that adores him.” We couldn’t make stories like this happen without our supporters, adopters and donors alike!

Oh, and if you needed even more evidence that Howard is living a good life, check this out: “I even bought new sofas that I wasn’t going to let the dogs (on), buuuut Howard changed that. After all, they are just sofas, and he just plops his cute butt up there, and I can’t say no.”

“Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.”  Unknown

2024 Facts:

  • Animals Placed


  • Number of Animals Transferred In


  • Total Surgeries


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