Some shelter dogs have stony exteriors that hide very soft hearts. This adoption story is about one of those dogs, Gypsum, a dog who took a bit to find her perfect match. It’s fitting that we talk about Gypsum because while she’s unique, her story isn’t – there are often adult dogs at the shelter who look nervous – or worse, a little scary – because they’re stressed, despite us working so hard to make their lives as comfortable as possible. A little bit of TLC and an open mind when meeting these pups go a long way!
October is National Adopt a Dog Month, so it’s a perfect time to highlight these works-in-progress pups. We hear from many adopters that, in their new homes, they turn out to be wonderful companions.
Gypsum, a 5-year-old mixed breed dog, came to Tri-County Humane Society in late May; it was early July when she found her human, who understood that Gypsum is an anxious type who would need plenty of space and patience.
“She's adjusted well to her new home and is such a cuddle bug. She's still terribly shy when meeting new people, but she has improved over time and with enough patience, love, and some treats! She's been a great addition to my life in more ways than one, and I'm forever grateful for her and Tri-County Humane Society for all their help and support!”
We’re grateful for adopters who give pups like Gypsum, a life that really rocks their doggy world!
"If you think my head is big, you should see my heart!" – Unknown