This adoption story is about a cat named Lucky – and that’s exactly how her family feels since they adopted her! Then known as Sapphire, the cat spent only three days at Tri-County Humane Society before she was snatched up in mid-March.
“Our 4-year-old daughter had been begging for a cat. We were hesitant to add any more responsibility into our lives, with four young children. Our daughter had been struggling with some anxiety and assured us that a kitty would help her feel better. We live in the Cities and began looking for a companion for her, but struggled to find any cats that would be good with young children. We stumbled across Lucky (Sapphire) and instantly fell in love. My daughter and I made the two-hour drive to come and adopt her. Lucky has been the perfect addition to our family. She loves to play with the children and will chase them across the whole house playing with them. My husband who was adamant that he did not want a cat even bought a Nerf gun to shoot bullets for Lucky to play catch with. The best part of all is the ability for Lucky to know when the kids need her love. Any time any of the children cry, she instantly comes running to come cuddling with them. It’s very obvious she has strong momma instincts. We are so thankful for the chance to adopt Lucky.”
And when we are around animals, we become more joyous, communicative, expressive, and calm. Aaron Katcher, M.D.