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Rehoming Your Pet with TCHS

Rehoming Your Pet with TCHS

  • TCHS Statement on Cat Intakes

    Published Aug. 23, 2024

    Tri-County Humane Society always strives to be transparent with our community. In that spirit, we have a few things we’d like to share regarding our ability to take in stray or owner-surrender cats, especially as fall approaches.
    TCHS has a history of stretching our limits to help every cat in need – doing our best to accommodate non-urgent intakes or cats found far from the tri-county area. While we don’t have strict geographical limitations on our intakes, there are certain busier times of the year - typically from May through November – where we do have space limitations. During these times, we need to prioritize serving the pets and people from the tri-county area of Stearns, Benton, and Sherburne. Right now, between our contractual obligations with many local municipalities to house and care for their strays, and our commitment to serve our tri-county area, we are at capacity. As much as we want to take in animals beyond the tri-county area, we simply can’t at this time.
    What we can do:
    * No matter where a stray animal is found, we will always be available to scan it to see if it has a microchip, free of charge.
    * If you find a stray and are willing to house it and advertise it, we will happily post the animal on our lost and found Facebook page and provide you with tips to help it get reunited with its owner.
    * If you contact us or come to our shelter with a stray animal found outside of the tri-county area, we will direct you to the shelter or stray holding facility nearest where the animal was found. If a stray animal has an owner looking for them, their best chance of being reunited with them is to stay closer to home.
    * We do take in strays from our immediate tri-county area; whether there is a fee or not depends on where the animal was found and our arrangements with that municipality. If you find a stray, please call us at 320-252-0896 before you bring in the animal.
    It is worth noting that some cats live outdoors year-round and are friendly or semi-friendly community cats without owners; others are feral (wild) and will never want human company. We know people’s hearts are in the right places, but please don’t assume every cat you see outdoors – even as it gets colder – needs immediate intervention. Please call us at 320-252-0896 if you have concerns about an outdoor cat.
    We are grateful so many in our community and beyond care so much about animals.  Thank you for understanding our need to balance carrying out our mission with our staffing/volunteer resources, our current animal population’s needs, and our housing space. We appreciate your support!

Rehoming your pet can be an emotional and challenging experience. We're here to help! Prior to scheduling an intake appointment with us, we'd love to have a conversation with you to see if there are potential alternatives/resources that may help you keep your pet in your home. However, we do understand that there are situations where rehoming is essential. Once we've explored other options, we will schedule an appointment with you to bring your pet to the shelter. 

Please call us at (320) 252-0896 to begin this process. TCHS does not have time limits on the animals in our care. We require appointments to ensure we always have enough room for all the animals. Please expect a weeks-long wait to get an appointment. Thank you for understanding. 

Rehoming Questionnaires 

To help TCHS find the best match for your pet, we ask that everyone who has a surrender appointment with us fill out one of the questionnaires below before they bring their animal to us. (If you need help, a TCHS customer service representative will help direct you to the right questionnaire before your appointment; some customers may be asked to fill out several of the forms.) Please do NOT do one of these questionnaires without having an appointment with us; also, filling out a survey doesn't constitute making an appointment. Call us at (320) 252-0896 to make an appointment.

Thank you for helping us find the best path for your pet!

General Cat Rehoming Questionnaire 

House-Soiling Cat Questionnaire 

General Dog Rehoming Questionnaire 

Dog Aggression Screening Questionnaire 

Pocket Pet Rehoming Questionnaire 


Rehoming Fees

Canine/Feline: $60 per animal.
Cap on Litters of Kittens/Puppies (3 or more animals and UNDER 4 months old): $150 per litter.

Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice, and Rats: $20 per animal. (Ask TCHS management if a discount can apply to larger groups.)

Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, and Birds: $40. (Ask TCHS management if a discount can apply to larger groups.)
Reptiles and Aquatics: $50 per animal.  


Rehoming Your Pet Yourself is an app that gives owners another outlet for rehoming without using an intermediary like a shelter.  

How it works: This app walks you through creating your pet’s profile, safely meeting interested parties, and finalizing the adoption. Potential adopters can see your pet’s profile online and contact you to arrange a meeting to get to know your pet. You can then complete the adoption and legally transfer ownership. Among the benefits to programs like these are:

  • It's a safe, no-cost way to rehome a pet and a much safer alternative than posting to online classifieds (please don't do that);
  • The adoption fee can go directly to Tri-County Humane Society or any other shelter, if you choose, to benefit other homeless animals in the area;
  • It gives pet owners the ability to hand-select their pet’s new home.

Relinquishing an animal can be a tough and heartbreaking experience. It also can be a gift of unconditional love to a new family. Regardless of what route a pet owner takes, we're here to help every step of the way.

2024 Facts:

  • Animals Placed


  • Number of Animals Transferred In


  • Total Surgeries


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