Dear Fellow Friend of Animals,
What an amazing year it’s been. We set out to save more animals’ lives than ever before in our 49-year history — and we did just that! In this issue, you’ll see how we increased the number of animals we cared for and expanded our services and programs to meet the needs of Central Minnesota.
You and others in our community have invested in TCHS to help make a difference in the lives of animals in need. Thank you! Just so you know, in our case there’s a great deal of truth in the saying “we couldn’t have done it without you!”
As we look forward to 2023, we must pause first to celebrate 2022. In this newsletter, we’re going to take a short stroll down 2022 lane. Give us a few minutes of your time to share the highlights of yet another challenging, but very rewarding year at TCHS.
We’re sincerely grateful to you for supporting Tri-County Humane Society every step of the way. Together, we can truly save more animals throughout our community — and even across the state — as we help other shelters model our innovative and lifesaving programs in their own communities. With you by our side, we look forward to continuing to improve the lives of many animals and the people who love them. We hope you enjoy this look back at the past year and all we’ve accomplished together. I’m certain 2023 will bring even more hope and love to animals in our community and beyond. With you by our side, we’re creating a better world for animals. Thank you for partnering with us to inspire compassion and create a more humane society.
Vicki Davis, CAWA
TCHS Executive Director
Vicki is pictured with her dog, Abbi; this photo was taken by Lisa Crayford of Country Gallery Photography during our 2022 Santa Paws event.