At TCHS, we’re often asked what breed(s) our dogs are – and most of the time, we just don’t know. We can make educated guesses based on appearance, but that's all it is - a guess. We love hearing the results of DNA tests done on our canine alumni – and we’re often surprised, too! One such case was a puppy we called Jello who found a home in September 2024. The now-9-month-old pup was renamed Ranger, and he's grown a lot and learned a lot during his time with his new family.
“I adopted Ranger late last fall as a surprise for my husband. He always wanted a German Shepherd. We did a doggie DNA test and found out that he was 51.3% German Shepherd, 37.8% Siberian Husky, and 10.9% unresolved breeds. Regardless of breed, we couldn't love him more! He is funny, talks a lot (imagine that coming from a Husky), has incredible energy (that he burns off in our fenced-in yard), and is a bundle of pure puppy love.”
And he’s learned so much from his pup siblings. “He was afraid of the doggie door at first. Now, he barrels through it to go bark at the squirrels and turkeys! A true ham, but we wouldn't want him any other way.”
Perhaps the show "Parks and Recreation" put it best: “He's a mutt. Half amazing, half terrific.”