Gratitude and giving thanks are on our minds! We’re thankful for many, many things this year, including the thousands of animals we’ve helped find new homes this year. This is one such animal’s story.
The puppy we called Pez was part of a transfer in September from one of our rescue partners, Leech Lake Legacy. Now named Koda, he’s 5 months old, and he is “such a sweet and goofy puppy.”
Koda already weighs 48 pounds, and his DNA test results showed the following: 46.6 percent German Shepherd, 23.5 percent Labrador Retriever, 18.6 percent American Pit Bull Terrier, and 11.3 percent Chow Chow.
“He makes friends with everyone he meets (both 4-legged and 2-legged) with a big butt wiggle and a smile. He is super smart and is learning all the tricks since that means he gets the tastiest treats, but he still loves to steal all the shoes. His best friends include another German Shepherd mix and a couple of doodles so he is learning how to play and finding his big dog voice.”
We know that Koda is very grateful for his new family – and the feeling is mutual.
“I am so thankful to Tri-County Humane Society that I was able to find and adopt just an amazing member of the family!”