We affectionately joke about “foster fails” – TCHS fosters who end up adopting the animal who’s supposed to be in their care temporarily. Well, people who volunteer at TCHS can quickly fall in love with a favorite shelter pet, too!
Jeremy is one of TCHS’ volunteer dog walkers who comes a minimum of two hours every week to make sure the shelter pups get plenty of exercise. (Our goal is to get each shelter dog out four times a day; we are so grateful to our volunteer walkers!) One long-stay TCHS dog named Gemma caught Jeremy’s eye. Gemma, who is almost 8 years old, spent more than a month at the shelter, so Jeremy got plenty of chances to get to know her. He adopted her in late May.
“Gemma is doing great, and she has adjusted well. The first week or so was challenging, but we’ve got things worked out pretty smoothly, and she’s gotten used to the daily routine. I loved walking her once a week while she was there, but twice a day is a lot more smiles for both of us. Getting to see her whole personality has been a treat. She’s nuts about squirrels, thrilled silly about sleeping in a human bed, and she knows sit, lay down, and stand up now. Working on stay. … Not the easiest dog I've ever trained (and certainly the oldest), but she is all about treats and eager to please so at least we have that going.”
Gemma hit the adoption jackpot and got herself a gem of a human. Thank you, Jeremy, for adopting Gemma and for making time every week for all the pups who are still waiting for their homes.