In June, one of our volunteer photographers took adorable footage of a very tiny TCHS kitten hollering big time in his kennel as he demanded cuddles! Little Marshall’s video didn’t just garner literally thousands of views on social media (almost 700,000 on TikTok alone!), it helped get him a home.
How’s the vocal dude doing? “Marshall is living his best life,” his human writes. “His brothers love him (9-year-old Chuck was a hard sell at first, but you’ll see from the pics that he’s coming around).” Marshall’s other sibling is Bean, who is 6 months old. “They each have their own personality but make us so happy. Marshall likes to make a blanket nest in my bed and squeak when I move. He purrs so loudly that when I’m chatting with my mom on the phone she can hear him. He’s a noisy boy but is THE SWEETEST. Two things got me when I saw your initial post about Marshall. 1) He was so vocal and just wanted someone’s love - let me tell you, he has mine! And 2) When I was 10 years old, we found a stray little white floofball that my mom and dad let me keep and I named him Marshall. He lived until I was 25. When I saw this boy (and his name!), I knew it was meant to be that he join our family. He’s the best addition!”
When you’re this loved, it’s OK to be loud about it! Keep living your best life, Marshall.