
To the staff at the TCHS:
I wasn't looking for a dog when I was visiting your website the other day. I had 3 dogs already, I would be crazy to take in another! But I happened upon Oakley's picture. and he was adorable! I read a bit about him, and without thinking, I called your place to ask more about him. I went there after work to see him ( that was my only idea..to LOOK at him). He was cute and the idea of him being blind in one eye and having absolutely no teeth (no worries about biting ;) didn't phase me. I was told he was a frequent flyer at you place, different reasons for being returned and I saw in his eyes how sad and scared he was. He spent so much time being adopted and hoping for a home, only to be given up on and brought back. I can't imagine how he must have felt. Constantly being abandoned. I knew after a short visit with him, that I didn't need a 4th dog...no I didn't need one at all....HE NEEDED ME. I agreed to adopt him, and make him a part of our family. I was told about the 7 day return policy, in my head I knew I would never use it. I was not going to make Oakley go through being abandoned ever again. We would be his NEW home, his FOREVER home. I took him home, he was a bit cared ( who could blame him), we introduced him to our other spoiled canine fur babies, after a few sniffs it was official, they accepted him as part of the group. Since being home he has warmed up nicely. He enjoys sitting on our laps and being with us. He LOVES his new fenced in big back yard..plenty of room to run ! ( no more cramped cages!!) He and his other dog family enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. I can honestly say that we LOVE Oakley with all our hearts and are so glad ( sounds crazy I know) that all of the previous owners decided to give up on him, because now he is OURS and our family is more complete with him in it. Thank you so much for bringing Oakley and our family together.