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Adoption Stories - Archive

Arthur James and Luna Moon Beam

It’s not uncommon to hear people announce they don’t want another pet after going down the path of losing one. Our best advice is to consider why it’s so painful… You feel so dreadful because what was so wonderful is gone. Do you really want to deny yourself that pleasure again? To deny another pet (or two!) the pleasure and good fortune of living in a home as wonderful as you could offer?  I hope not!  We're so very glad Melissa and Kirk traveled that path to the Humane Society again! Here’s their story:

Last fall we had to say goodbye to our two senior cats within six weeks of each other. Both were adopted from TCHS (in 2007 and 2008), and health issues eventually took them both from us. I was heartbroken, and the idea of ever getting more cats seemed unimaginable.

Then one day – November 20, 2019 – I made the happy accident of looking on the TCHS website. I saw the adorable little face of Arthur James (formerly “Dakota/Savannah”) and knew we had to go meet him. TCHS was having its 2-purr-1 special on kittens, so my husband searched for a female kitten to bring home, too. 

In the back corner of the cat overflow room, he found Luna Moon Beam (formerly “Minnie Mow”). This feisty little girl was 4 pounds of pure sass. She had been adopted by someone else but returned because she was “vicious” and “not snuggly.”

The kittens settled in at home almost immediately and became fast friends with our German Shepherds. You never would have guessed these two kittens previously didn’t know one another.

Since then, Arthur James has become the sweetest boy and the biggest mooch. And he’s SO big! He LOVES his treats… and pretty much anything we’re eating. He likes to snuggle with the dogs, and I think he thinks he’s one of them. Luna Moon Beam (“Baby Beam”) always wants to be picked up and held. Her favorite things are showing us her belly, crawling on my chest in the middle of the night and rubbing her head on my chin, and following us wherever we go. She’s the funniest cat either of us has ever had.

We couldn’t be happier with these two additions to the family, and we’re so glad we filled our home and our hearts once again with rescues from TCHS.

Happy adoption day, Arthur James and Luna Moon Beam!

Melissa and Kirk… and doggo brothers Hairy and Chet

2023 Facts:

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